YLJ Online and the Supreme Court Clinic Host Federal Judges and Experts at Conference
10 Mar 2010
On Tuesday, March 23, 2010, The Yale Law Journal Online will join with the Yale Law School Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic to host the concluding segment of "Important Questions of Federal Law: Assessing the Supreme Court's Case Selection Process." The panel will bring together federal judges, members of the legal academia, and practitioners to discuss potential reforms to the Supreme Court's certiorari process. All events will be held at Yale Law School's Sterling Law Building in New Haven, CT. Please contact Kathleen Claussen of the Supreme Court Clinic/YLJ Online with any questions.

Yale Law School | New Haven, CT
Opening Remarks by Clinic Members
4pm, Room 129
Panel I: The Judge's Perspective: Is the Court Taking the "Right" Cases?
4:10pm‐5:30pm, Room 129
Moderator: Linda Greenhouse (Yale Law School)
The Honorable José Cabranes (2d Cir.)
Drew Days (Yale Law School)
The Honorable Brett Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
The Honorable Sandra Lynch (1st Cir.)
Panel II: The Practitioners' Perspective: What Makes An Issue “Important” to the Court?
5:40pm‐6:55pm, Room 127
Moderator: Charles Rothfeld (Mayer Brown LLP and Yale Law School)
John Elwood (Vinson & Elkins LLP)
Orin Kerr (George Washington University Law School)
Patricia Millett (Akin Gump LLP)
Judith Resnik (Yale Law School)

Yale Law School | New Haven, CT
Opening Remarks by Clinic Members
4pm, Room 129
Panel I: The Judge's Perspective: Is the Court Taking the "Right" Cases?
4:10pm‐5:30pm, Room 129
Moderator: Linda Greenhouse (Yale Law School)
The Honorable José Cabranes (2d Cir.)
Drew Days (Yale Law School)
The Honorable Brett Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
The Honorable Sandra Lynch (1st Cir.)
Panel II: The Practitioners' Perspective: What Makes An Issue “Important” to the Court?
5:40pm‐6:55pm, Room 127
Moderator: Charles Rothfeld (Mayer Brown LLP and Yale Law School)
John Elwood (Vinson & Elkins LLP)
Orin Kerr (George Washington University Law School)
Patricia Millett (Akin Gump LLP)
Judith Resnik (Yale Law School)